
    • Personalized Branding



      Would you like to include personalised branding on any of your items? Please select from one of the following 3…

      Would you like to include personalised branding on any of your items?
      Please select from one of the following 3 options to let us know.
      If you decide to select option 2 or 3, we will get in touch with you after your order is placed to confirm all of the details.
      You will also be able to select which items you want to brand when finalising your order before check out.

      • I don't require any branding

        We will leave your units unbranded.

      • I require branding and will submit my own artwork

        We will get in touch and send you a branding pack with the correct artwork dimensions after your purchase. Time frames: Final artwork due 2 weeks from hire date.

      • I require branding but need help with my artwork

        We will contact you after completing your order to quote this service separately. Once confirmed, our designer will work with you to create your artworks and get them ready for print. Time frame: 4 weeks from hire start date.

      *Branding price calculated at checkout for all.

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